So you’ve graduated. You’ve passed the NAVLE or VTNE. Now what? Now it’s time to apply for your license.
Licensure is granted by regulatory boards which are typically comprised of veterinarians, veterinary technicians and lay or public members appointed by the government. Each state and province has its own licensure laws and regulates practice within the jurisdiction boundaries. The regulatory boards are also responsible for protecting the public by ensuring that licensees practice with skill and safety.

During the NAVLE or VTNE application process, you were required to indicate the jurisdiction where you want to get initially licensed. Many students are unsure of where they will ultimately land a job and select their home jurisdiction or the place where they are going to school for their initial license. The AAVSB is there to help you out and transfer your exam scores and license information throughout your career.
Licensing laws are in place based on two beliefs:
- You need special knowledge and skills to practice a profession
- The public needs protection from incompetent or unethical practitioners
The primary mission of every licensing board must focus on public protection, not on serving the interest of the occupational or professional group.
Regulation is a government-directed activity. Every jurisdiction has similar, but different laws, statutes and regulation, however, they are all in place do one thing—protect the public.
Regulatory boards are given the authority to promulgate rules, approve licensure applications, and respond to consumer complaints against a licensed professional.
Licensees of each jurisdiction are responsible for knowing and complying with all applicable laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where they are practicing.
To get licensed in a state or province, you will need to complete a license application.
Many states and provinces also have a jurisprudence exam. In most cases this exam does not contain clinical questions, but rather ensures that you understand the laws in the jurisdiction where you gain your license to practice.
It is important to look up the application requirements for the jurisdiction where you wish to be licensed, as it is important to understand that each state and province has different laws and requirements. Through its Board and Agency Directory, The AAVSB links to each of the state and provincial websites where you can find these requirements and the license applications.
If you intend to get licensed in a jurisdiction other than where you initially sent your national exam score, you will need to complete a VAULT Transfer For First-Time License Application. This AAVSB service is perfect for veterinary professionals and students who have taken the national examination but have never been licensed in any jurisdiction. Complete the appropriate application based on the exam you took and the AAVSB will send your exam score(s) to the jurisdiction you indicate.