Kansas City, MO (October 8, 2021) – The AAVSB is pleased to announce its new President and members of the 2021-2022 Board of Directors. Elections were held at the 2021 AAVSB Annual Meeting & Conference in Denver, Colorado on October 2, 2021. At this meeting, Chris Runde, DVM, moved into the President position. He will serve in this role for a one-year term.
Dr. Runde has served on the AAVSB Board of Directors since 2014, including two years as Treasurer. While Treasurer, he was the Chair of the Finance Committee. Prior to his service on the Board of Directors, he has served as a member and Chair of the Bylaws & Resolution Committee. He was Chairman of the Maryland State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners from 2004-2014.
Leslie Knachel, M.P.H. was elected to the President-Elect position. She will serve a one-year term. Ms. Knachel has held numerous AAVSB leadership positions since 2012. Since 2019, she has served as a member of the Regulatory Policy Task Force, and as the chair of the Student Outreach Task Force after serving as a member of the task force since 2017. From 2015 - 2019, she served as a Director. From 2014 - 2015, she served as a PAVE Committee member. From 2012 - 2014, she served as a Finance Committee member. Leslie is the Executive Director of the Virginia Board of Veterinary Medicine.
Thomas C. (T.C.) Branch, DVM was elected to the position of Director. He will serve a two-year term. From 2015 - 2017, Dr. Branch served as a member of the Conference Committee and served as the committee chair from 2017 - 2019. He also currently serves as the President of the Alabama State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.
Stephanie Kube, DVM was elected to the position of Director. She is new to the AAVSB Board of Directors and will serve a two-year term. Dr. Kube currently serves as the Chair and has previously served as the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine.
Frank Richardson, DVM was re-elected to the position of Director. He will serve a two-year term. Dr. Richardson has served as a member of the AAVSB Finance Committee from 2015-2018, as well as Director since 2018. He also currently serves as the Registrar and CEO of the Nova Scotia Veterinary Medical Association.
The 2021 - 2022 AAVSB Board of Directors in its entirety consists of the following individuals:
Chris Runde, DVM (Maryland), President
Leslie Knachel, M.P.H. (Virginia), President-Elect
Roger Redman, DVM (Ohio), Immediate Past President
Kim Gemeinhardt, DVM (North Carolina), Treasurer
Thomas (T.C.) Branch, DVM (Alabama), Director
Amy Haywood, LVT (District of Columbia), Director
Timothy Kolb, DVM (Ohio), Director
Stephanie Kube, DVM (Massachusetts), Director
Mark Logan, VMD (New Jersey), Director
Frank Richardson, DVM (Novia Scotia), Director
James T. Penrod, CAE, FASLA, Ex-Officio Member (non-voting), Secretary & Executive Director
The Board of Directors thanked Dr. Michael Gotchey for his service to the organization since 2007, and President from 2018 - 2019. The Board of Directors also thanked Tawney Carrier, JD, the departing Conference Committee Chair in 2021, and Mr. Jonathan Eisenmenger, the departing Conference Committee Chair in 2020 for their service to the organization and their committees. The AAVSB Board of Directors also thanked the AAVSB staff for going above & beyond in the performance of their duties during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The AAVSB also elected four additional leadership positions at the 2021 Annual Meeting & Conference.
Ronald Komich, DVM was elected to the AAVSB Nominating Committee. He will serve a one-year term. Dr. Komich currently also serves on the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board.
Kathy Bowler was re-elected as the AAVSB Public Member Representative to the ICVA. She will serve a three-year term. Kathy currently serves as a member of the AAVSB Program & Services Think Tank. She also currently serves on the California Veterinary Medical Board.
Helen Tuzio, DVM was re-elected as the AAVSB Veterinarian Representative to the ICVA. She will serve a three-year term. Dr. Tuzio has held numerous AAVSB leadership positions, including serving as an Associate member since 2013, serving as the AAVSB Appointee to the ECFVG from 2013 - 2021, Immediate Past President from 2012 - 2013, President from 2011 - 2012, President-Elect from 2010 - 2011, Secretary/Treasurer from 2008 - 2010, and Director from 2005 - 2008. She also served on the New York State Board for Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Frank Walker was elected as the AAVSB Veterinarian Representative to the ICVA. He will serve a three-year term. Dr. Walker has held numerous AAVSB leadership positions, including serving on the Constitution & Bylaws Task Force from 2003 - 2005, on the Bylaws Committee from 2008 - 2010, as a Director from 2011 - 2013, as President-Elect and Finance Committee member from 2015 - 2016, as President from 2016 - 2017, Immediate Past President from 2017 - 2018, Nominating Committee member from 2018 - 2019, and as an Associate member since 2018. He has also served as the President of the North Dakota Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.
About the AAVSB: The AAVSB is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to strengthen the veterinary regulatory community. The membership of the AAVSB consists of 62 jurisdictions representing all of the United States and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and nine Canadian provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Saskatchewan.